Friday, October 24, 2008

Box Bag constuction

Just wanted to add a little information on how these bags are constucted. The boxes themselves are made from scratch from balsa wood. So, lots of sawing and sanding and glueing is involved just to make the form for the bag. Then I paint the background color, add the imagry (in this case, decals) and glue on the rhinestones. Then I painted the glow-in-the-dark stars and eyes. And, as the finishing touch, painted on four coats of glossy varnish. The hardware was added last and glued into place. Very time consuming and fussy work. But, so much fun when all finished. The inside of these bags is plain and unvarnished. I didn't want the bag sides to stick together. That's it for now. They are up on etsy and ready to go!

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